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Resource competition and climate change hampering South Sudan peace and development

Ongoing conflict in South Sudan continues to hinder its ability to sustainably manage and develop its natural resources, threatening the livelihoods of more than 10 million people depending on the country’s natural resources, according to a new UN report.

The South Sudan State of Environment & Outlook Report highlights that competition over access to pasture, water, fuelwood, and productive farmland – between pastoralists and farmers, and communities and clans – could intensify conflicts and forced migration within and beyond South Sudan.

“The war in South Sudan has been absolutely horrific and brings an extraordinarily high cost to civilians,” Erik Solheim, Head of UN Environment said. “This report shows how important it is to ensure South Sudan’s resources are managed well to benefit all of the people and put the country back on the road to peace.”

photo credit: UNMISS MEDIA

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