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Simulating The Bodily Pain Of Future Climate Change

Close your eyes and imagine a beautiful spring day in the forest. In your mind's eye, try to see tall, green trees and smell the aroma of blooming flowers. Can you hear the gentle breeze rustling the leaves above you?

Most people can conjure up this mental scene without much effort, at least for a few moments.

Now, imagine that the temperature rockets upward. It's 120 degrees Fahrenheit. Try to produce, in your mind, the discomfort you'd experience under that scorching sun. I don't mean just the idea of being hot — actually try to feel the physical sensations of stifling, smothering heat. Can you invoke these feelings on demand?

Most people cannot.

Why is it easy to imagine sights, sounds and smells in vivid detail, but so much harder to conjure up the suffering you'd feel in intense heat?

Blame your brain wiring.


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