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Agriculture Sector Financiers Resolute On Cushioning Farmers Against Climate Change

Major agriculture sector financiers, U.N. agencies and research organizations have underscored the urgent need to cushion small-scale African farmers from the adverse effects of climate change.

The mainstream financiers of agriculture participating at the 7th session of the African Green Revolution Forum</a> (AGRF) jointly supported by the premier regional financier, the African Development Bank (AfDB) in Abidjan, Côte d'Ivoire, noted the widespread impact of climate change and its effect on farming.

"We must continue to develop climate resilience and work towards enhancing farmers' capacity to deal with the climate change effects causing drought in every three year-cycle in the Sub-Saharan Africa region," said Boddupalli Prasanna, Lead Maize Specialist at Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research (CGIAR).

At the AGRF Summit under the theme: "Accelerating Africa's Path to Prosperity: Growing Inclusive Economies and Jobs through Agriculture," a group of agriculture sector financiers, researchers and academic institutions met to discuss measures to protect the farmer from crop losses.


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