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Pope on climate change, "Man is stupid, stubborn, someone who does not see"

Pope Francis talked to journalists on his flight home after his visit to Colombia. He spoke about the responsibility of politicians who deny the human role in climate change, about immigration that must mean integration, but keeping in mind "how many places do I have", about his hope that US President Donald Trump will not expel the "dreamers" as well as his desire to see the United Nations intervene in in Venezuela’s crisis, where the Holy See is very involved.

Speaking about climate change, Francis noted that "whoever denies this should go to the scientists and ask them. They speak very clearly. The scientists are precise. The other day news came of a Russian ship that went from Norway to Japan by way of the North Pole without encountering ice. One university said we only have three years to turn back, otherwise the consequences will be terrible. I don’t know if three years is true or not, but if we don’t turn back we’re going down”.

“We can see climate change in its effects and all of us have a responsibility in making decisions. I think this is a very serious thing. Everyone has their [share of] moral responsibility. Politicians have theirs. Ask the scientists, then decide. History will judge their decisions.”

The Papal Visit

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