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Inaugural Global Land Outlook Launched at UNCCD COP

The Secretariat of UN Convention to Combat Desertification (UNCCD) has launched its new flagship report on the current and future state of the world’s land resources. It described the ‘Global Land Outlook’ (GLO) as “the first in-depth analysis of the multiple functions of the land viewed from a wide range of interrelated sectors and thematic areas,” such as the food-water-land nexus, as well as the “less obvious drivers” of land use change, notably the nature of economic growth, consumer choice and global trade patterns.

Due to be published every four years, the Global Land Outlook addresses challenges facing land restoration and management in the context of sustainable development. It links land to challenges across: food, water and energy security; climate change and biodiversity conservation; urban, peri-urban and infrastructure development; land tenure, governance and gender; and migration, conflict and human security. It also examines a growing disconnect between the financial and socio-economic values of land and how this impacts the poor.


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