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Tanzania in joint move to save Lake Tanganyika from impact of climate change

Tanzanian authorities said on Wednesday talks with the World Bank were underway to secure funds to save Lake Tanganyika, Africa's deepest lake, from the impacts of climate change.

January Makamba, the east African nation's Minister of State in the Vice-President's Office responsible for Environment, said Tanzania was collaborating with Burundi, Zambia and the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) that share the lake to save it from the environmental disaster.

Makamba told the National Assembly in the political capital Dodoma that Lake Tanganyika was facing high risk of pollution and significant decrease in water levels caused by climate change.

He said the four countries decided to seek support from the World Bank to help fund a project to build a wall on Lukuga River that drain water from the lake.

European Commission DG ECHO

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