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UCLA professor partners with Congo Basin Institute

Kevin Njabo left Cameroon 15 years ago to pursue teaching and research in environmental science at UCLA.

Njabo, an assistant adjunct professor of environmental health sciences, helped establishUCLA’s partnership with the Congo Basin Institute, in which he serves as the Africa director of the Center for Tropical Research.

UCLA and the International Institute of Tropical Agriculture, a nonprofit organization that focuses on agricultural innovation in Sub-Saharan Africa, partnered to create CBI, a Cameroon-based interdisciplinary research institute, two years ago. CBI conducts research on regional environmental issues and provides educational opportunities to local communities.

At a TEDGlobal conference on Wednesday in Arusha, Tanzania, Njabo talked about his efforts to help develop research in biodiversity and environmental sustainability in Africa, and why the international community should support building research institutions in African countries.

Adam Greig

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