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Zimbabwe: Quality Seeds Key to Food Security

Minister of Agriculture, Mechanization and Irrigation Development, Joseph Made has noted the importance of access and provision of quality seeds to ensuring food security, poverty reduction, safer trade and economic development.

Speaking at the launch of the national domestication of Common Market for Eastern and Southern Africa (COMESA) harmonized Seed Regulations, Made said in spite of achievements registered during 2016/2017 summer season, Zimbabwe has not been spared by the negative factors of climate change and outbreaks of new and old crop pests that threaten agricultural production, food security and nutrition.

"Access and provision of quality seeds remains a key input to ensuring food security. It is a preferred tool for re-establishing the livelihoods of farmers affected by disasters and to return them to life. There is need to raise national and regional awareness about seed security and its beneficial effects on food security, poverty reduction, environmental protection, safer trade and economic development," said Made.


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