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Using Moodle Mobile To Address Farming Skills In West Africa

With a portfolio of over 30 courses that Moodle developed in partnership between the Green Innovation Centre (CIVA in French), AfricaRice and the German Ministry of Economic Cooperation and Development will bring skills and support to farmers in the fields of Benin. In an interview with, Bruno Tran, Vocational Training Expert, discusses the finer details of bringing cutting edge learning technology to remote areas.

Tran begins by highlighting the “unusual” nature of AfricaRice itself. Headquartered in Côte d’Ivoire, AfricaRice’s mission is to transform rice production in Africa–no small feat. This task would be difficult for any organization, but AfricaRice is no ordinary NGO. It is also a research center that is part of the global CGIAR network, a multilateral entity devoted to food security research.

On the other side there is CIVA, an initiative supported through the “One World, No Hunger” German cooperation initiative, which focuses on smallholders’ sustainable income, employment, and supply development.


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