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Science-based data to secure crops amid uncertain climate

Even crop-insurance system must adapt to climate change. In the Philippines, where an average of 20 typhoons occur annually, coupled with flooding and followed by severe drought, crop-damage assessment becomes more complicated.

“As a [disaster-prone] country, we need to take necessary action in preparing for greater uncertainties and risk of climate change. One way to do this is through innovative crop insurance products from our insurance sectors,” Rep. Arthur C. Yap of Bohol said.

Conventional crop insurance dwells on peril or indemnity-based products through field validation, which take up six months.

“Unfortunately, this system is fraught with moral and adverse selection hazards. There are occasions when assessors will not report the correct amount in damages and the insured not declaring all the relevant information,” Yap said during a national forum on innovative climate-risk strategies held recently in Davao City.


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