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Insurance products will help boost farmers’ confidence

The Zambia National Farmers’ Union (ZNFU) says the introduction of more farm insurance products will help boost farmers’ confidence and increase the uptake of protection against climate change threats.

Last week, Monsanto Zambia launched the Chilala crop insurance programme with the view to help farmers minimise losses in an event that they encounter weather-related challenges.

ZNFU board director for commodities Fisho Mwale said the recent crop season has been characterised with weather changes that have threatened farmers’ ability to compete and feed the region.

This is contained in a ZNFU weekly brief availed to the Daily Mail on Friday.

Mr Mwale cited the prolonged drought that affected the Southern African Development Community (SADC) and most of sub-Saharan African regions and the invasion of fall army worms as some of the challenges that affected farmers.


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