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This Data Visualization Shows Our Ever-Warming World

The tricky thing with climate change is that it's a process measured in decades, so unless you're looking at big-picture data, it can be hard to notice until it's too late. But if you take every country's meteorological data, stretched across an entire century, and crunch it down into 30 seconds—things become a bit more clear.

That's what Finnish researcher Antti Lipponen did, and the results show the reported 2 percent temperature rise splashed across the globe. The chart divides among five regions, America, Oceania, Africa, Europe, and Asia, and the effect—especially in the later years—is a like a pulsating panic of a slowly warming world.

Data visualizations like this one are a hugely helpful tool in education people about climate change. Government agencies like NASA and other universities have created similar data visualizations all arriving at the same conclusion: It's getting hotter.

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