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Ghana: Govt, private sector must partner to address climate change

The Director of the United Nations University (UNU), Dr Elias T. Ayuk, has said Ghana will need about $22.6 billion to address climate change over a period of 10 years.

He has, therefore, underscored the need for effective public-private partnership to raise the money as the government alone cannot generate it.

At a consultative meeting organised by the UNU Institute of Natural Resources in Africa in Accra last Wednesday, he said the recurring floods, droughts, warming of the sea resulting in rise in temperature levels, loss of forest covers, unpredictable rainfall patterns and loss of biodiversity were an indication that climate change was real and had come to stay.

“These recent occurrences should alert us that climate change is not a myth as perceived but a reality that needs to be tackled holistically with all urgency,” he said.


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