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'Landscaping Helps Mitigate Against Negative Climate Change Effects'

Landscape architecture in Nigeria is a budding profession in Nigeria. In fact, most of the Landscape Architects in Nigeria are foreign trained. The role of landscape architects in the building of our nation is not well understood. A lot of people believe landscape architects are gardeners or like some say ‘Landscapers’. I call landscape architects the “Environmental doctors” of our time.

Interestingly, on the international front, a lot is being done to integrate landscape architects into sustainable development goals and there has been a call for the international landscape convention from continent to continent. For this to happen, each country in the continent in question is required to come up with a landscape charter that is region specific and integrate it into a holistic picture. This is because all over the world, the world leaders are beginning to realise that the interpretation of what landscape relationship is to man is the key to solving most of the cross purposes mankind as found himself in with Mother Nature.

However, in Nigeria, sadly, we are yet to be thinking in this direction. Hitherto, different built environment professionals such as urban planners, building architects e.t.c have attempted to do the work of landscape architects but thankfully, we as a profession are gradually growing in our great nation and things are beginning to take shape.

Mountain Partnership at FAO

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