Solid approach to waste: how 5 cities are beating pollution
When ministers, business chiefs and civil society leaders gather at the UN Environment Assembly in December, trash talk will be on the...

Why the nights are getting brighter – but not in a good way
The world’s nights are getting alarmingly brighter – bad news for all sorts of creatures, humans included – as light pollution encroaches...

This is where all the plastic in the ocean is going
There are five trillion pieces of plastic in the world’s oceans, weighing a total of 268,000 tonnes. That’s according to a paper by an...

Tips of how NOT to waste food.
HappyThanksgiving to all celebrating - don't waste any of that food! Here are some tips on saving food that can help. #solar

In September, the U.S. International Trade Commission passed a ruling that will allow President Donald Trump to erect trade barriers that...

The world's largest reforestation effort in history is underway
The largest tropical reforestation effort in history aims to restore 73 million trees in the Brazilian Amazon by 2023. The multimillion...

We can and must govern climate engineering
Last month, the World Meteorological Organization announced a tragic milestone. Average atmospheric carbon dioxide concentrations...

Publication: The 2017 Yearbook of Global Climate Action
There is universal recognition that more ambitious and effective climate action from all levels of government, the private sector and...

Global climate action must be gender equal
he women of the Marshall Islands and the Pacific have been fighting colonialism and injustice for a long time. They bore the brunt of the...

DRC’s carbon bomb is ticking
Gruelling talks are unfolding in Bonn for implementing the United Nation’s Paris Agreement on climate change, but thousands of kilometres...