Honey is killing bees. Here's why
A recent sampling of honey from around the world honey has given scientists fresh evidence for why so many bees are dying off. A study...

Forget bling: Ghana’s rappers are putting the environment center stage
In the music video for his song Gold Coast, released last year, Ghanaian rapper ELi stands on Accra’s Labadi beach, as waves and plastic...

Forest- and farmer-friendly cocoa in West Africa
Forest loss is perhaps the last thing families across the world think about when they give boxes of chocolate during the holiday season....

Arctic foxes are 'ecosystem engineers' who grow beautiful gardens
We often think of gardening as a uniquely human endeavour. Yet, you may be surprised to discover that other animals -- from ants, to...

Conflicts and Natural Resources
Over the past 70 yrs, at least 40% of all conflicts within national borders are related to competition over natural resources....

Why Lost Ice Means Lost Hope for an Inuit Village
Leaning over the handlebars with one knee up on the seat, Derrick Pottle commanded his snowmobile between rocks and sheets of gray sea...

'This is a generation challenging their parents on the environment': how schools are taking
"We are at a unique stage in our history,” David Attenborough said to the audience in the final episode of Blue Planet II. “Never before...

Climate change driving record snows in Alaskan mountains: study
Snowfalls atop an Alaskan mountain range have doubled since the start of the industrial age, evidence that climate change can trigger...

Climate Change Already Hampers U.S. Military Sites Around the World, Government Study Finds
The U.S. military is neglecting to plan for climate change-related risks facing hundreds of overseas facilities, according to a report...

Africa: Off-grid solar systems
Off-grid solar systems have emerged as an solution for the off-grid population of Africa and Asia. Rural areas have the greatest need for...