A Chinese Megacity Bus Fleet Goes Fully Electric
The Chinese megacity of Shenzhen has successfully switched 100 percent of its 16,359-vehicle bus fleet to electric vehicles, reaching its...

It’s Official: 2017 Was the Second Hottest Year on Record
Last year was the second hottest year on record worldwide, behind 2016, according to a European Union climate monitoring program. Global...

‘Thrill-seeking’ genes could help birds escape climate change
Should I stay or should I go? That’s the question facing all wildlife when climate change makes home territory unsuitable. A study has...

Climate Scientists Exiled by Trump Form Panel to Continue Work
The Trump administration disbanded a federal advisory committee on climate change last year but the scientists on the panel won’t be...

The Number and Cost of Weather Disasters is Increasing in the U.S.
Climate change is increasing the trend in weather and climate extremes in the U.S. A NOAA/NCEI report indicates that through September,...

Africa is paving the way to a climate-resilient future
Since the presentation of the World Bank’s first Africa Climate Business Plan at the COP 21 in Paris in 2015 and the Transport Chapter in...

80% of wastewater goes into water bodies untreated
Around the world, some 2 billion tons of human waste are disposed of in water courses every day. All of that pollution has significant...

Coral reefs head for 'knock-out punch'
A study of 100 reefs, published in Science Magazine, shows the interval between bleaching events in recent decades has shortened...

Beating plastic bags use in afforestation
Plastic bags are known to disrupt the environment. For instance, once in the soil, they slowly release toxic chemicals. When animals eat...

What Contributes to Community Resilience in the Face of Climate Change?
Local communities are most affected by the increased threat of adverse weather events. Addressing that threat requires nations and...