Climate Change Means 'Virtually No Male Turtles' Born In A Key Nesting Ground
Warming temperatures are having a profound and potentially devastating impact on one of the most important green sea turtle populations...

China has shut down the last of its Ivory factories and stores, a win for elephants!
The African Elephant is currently listed as “Vulnerable” on the endangered species list. In recent years, the number of elephants being...

Nigeria: Wecyclers, the start-up that turns waste into income
In Lagos, only 40% of the waste is collected. The start-up Wecyclers has decided to make the management of detritus business. It collects...

Zimbabwe: Residents’ Seek Minister’s Intervention On Wetland Protection
RESIDENTS of Kambuzuma have written to the Minister of Environment, Water and Climate seeking the ministry’s intervention to stop the...

Scotland to become first UK country to ban plastic cotton buds
The Scottish government plans to ban the manufacture and sale of plastic-stemmed cotton buds in a move that will cut the country’s marine...

Snow falls in Sahara desert for third time in 40 years
Snow has fallen in the Sahara, covering desert dunes in a layer up to 40cm deep. Snow started falling on the Algerian town of Ain Sefra...

Seychelles Threatened by Climate Change
In 1998, the cruel heat of El Nino hit Seychelles hard. Sea surface temperatures rose around the Indian Ocean, bleaching 90% of coral...

China’s Rooftop Solar to Boom In 2018 With Deregulation
As part of ongoing electricity market deregulation, distribution-grid-connected (DGC) generators will be allowed to sell power directly...

How Much Has ‘Climate Change’ Been Scrubbed From Federal Websites? A Lot.
Nearly a year into the Trump administration, mentions of climate change have been systematically removed, altered or played down on...

Exxon Pushes Back on California Cities Suing It Over Climate Change
In keeping with a pattern of fighting in court to defend its record on climate change, ExxonMobil has gone on the offensive again to...