Paris Agreement Triggers Divestment from Coal - Study
The fact that countries are now implementing the Paris Climate Change Agreement will on balance lead to more divestment from coal and...

Pakistan is Planting Trees to Combat Climate Change
The Ministry of Climate Change has set the target to increase the existing forest cover in the country from 5 per cent to 12 per cent to...

Can Seagrass Save Shellfish From Climate Change?
The impacts of climate change aren't a far-off possibility for the Pacific shellfish industry. Acidifying seawater is already causing...

Navigating Brexit Waters: Climate change is forcing traditional fish stocks to migrate north.
Britain and its neighbours in the European Union currently enjoy equal access to EU waters, and can buy and sell fish freely inside the...

EU gives British environment minister dressing-down over toxic air pollution
A Government minister has received an in-person dressing down from Brussels over the UK repeatedly breaking the law by failing to crack...

Australian trees 'sweat' to survive extreme heatwaves, researchers reveal
Australian researchers growing trees in climate change conditions have found the leaves “sweat” to survive extreme heatwaves. The...

Stripes of wildflowers across farm fields could cut pesticide spraying
Long strips of bright wildflowers are being planted through crop fields to boost the natural predators of pests and potentially cut...

Malawi: Climate Change Affecting Cotton Production
Climate change has been pointed out as one of the challenge affecting cotton production in the country. One of the farmers who grow...

We can still win the fight against climate change
As 2017 drew to an end, becoming one of the three hottest years on record, my native United States conversely experienced dangerously...

Records show EPA chief’s role in removing climate web pages
Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Administrator Scott Pruitt was personally involved in the process to remove sections on climate...