It's Time To Take Climate Change Personally
My husband Ken and I have been married for 39 years and we have three adult children who make us proud every day. Now, much to our...

Unchecked climate change is going to be stupendously expensive
Climate change is first and foremost a threat to human society.That fact has been somewhat obscured in regular discourse, in favor of a...

Climate change is making the Arab world more miserable
SIX years ago Nabil Musa, a Kurdish environmentalist, returned from over a decade abroad to find Iraq transformed. Rivers in which he had...

RAQUEL LORETO IS a zombie hunter, and a good one. But traipsing through dried leaves in a hot forest in Sanda, at the southern end of...

Don't turn to the military to solve the climate-change crisis
The Australian Senate’s declaration last month that climate change is a “current and existential national security risk” was clearly...

Climate change, overutilisation dry up Ethiopian lakes
Ethiopia, commonly called the Water Tower of Africa, is one of the African nations endowed with abundant fresh water resources. The...

Africa: Chronicling Climate Change
Sitting on Ghana’s Apam beach, fisherman Nana Ekow Pasnin is worried about his family’s future. His canoe just returned without a single...

Families sue EU over climate change
Last week, ten families filed a legal action in European court against the European Union, arguing that the government is violating their...

World Temperature Rise Nears Danger Level
With world temperature rise already 1°C above pre-industrial levels, new research shows that there is only a 0.5°C safety margin left in...

What is climate-smart agriculture?
Debisi Araba explains the concept of climate-smart agriculture; how farmers can maximise the benefits of agriculture whilst minimising...