Pentagon Orders Commanders to Prioritize Climate Change in all Military Actions
The Pentagon is ordering the top brass to incorporate climate change into virtually everything they do, from testing weapons to training...

Climate Change Leaves Mountain Mammal's Survival in the Balance
A tiny mountain mammal called the American pika faces an uncertain future due to climate change and decreasing habitat in Yosemite and...

US Government Initiative Sets New Goals For Creating Energy Infrastructure Across Africa
An ambitious new road map released last week lays out how Power Africa, the United States government initiative to increase power...

Zika Virus and Climate Change
The rapid rise of the Zika virus is turning into a full-on public health crisis. The virus, transferred via specific types of mosquitoes,...

UN Aims for Clean Energy, Climate Gains at New York Summit
Global efforts to drive climate change back onto the front pages start this week in New York, as the royalty of climate policy and...

Proposed Canada Pipeline Project Would Threaten US Tribal Rights, Lawyer Says
A proposed pipeline-expansion project in Canada will put the fishing rights and cultural heritage of US tribes at risk, a lawyer...

Building Climate Resilience in Cities: Lessons from New York
We live in an urbanizing world. Up to two-thirds of the world’s population – some six billion people – may live in cities by 2050. Cities...

US Navy Launches First Biofuel-Powered Aircraft Carriers
The US navy on Wednesday launched its first carrier strike group powered partly by biofuel a mix made from beef fat, calling it a...

Local Knowledge as a Model of Climate Change Mitigation
The Inuit Circumpolar Council - Alaska (ICC-AK) recently released a report that strongly tied the protection of traditional aspects of...

Government Trains Farmers to Deal With Climate Change in Barbados
Local farmers will have a training facility in the coming months to assist them in preparing for the impact of climate change, the...