Audio: Vet Care Project for Nomad Livestock Builds Climate Resilience
According to the International Livestock Research Institute, over 330 million African and Asian farmers directly rely on sheep and goats...

Insect Farming Could Fight Malnutrition, Environmental Stress
Farming insects on a large scale is no more of a biological or chemical hazard than other livestock farming, says a report by a European...

Proposed Project to Soak Up Excess Carbon Into Soil
France is leading a worldwide push to increase the amount of carbon locked in soils through better farming practices. Supporters of an...

South Africa: Drought and the Legacy of Apartheid
Historic droughts are taking hold throughout the world thanks to El Niño, and South Africa is one of many countries suffering through a...

Toward Climate-Friendly Cacao Supply Chains
A climate-friendly farming system called carbon insetting is being pushed in Indonesia’s cacao plantations to reduce greenhouse...

Kenya: US $4 Million Project Underway to Control Lethal Maize Disease
A new project has been launched to control the spread of a lethal viral disease which affects maize yields and threatens food security in...

Newest Tech Innovations by Africans for Africans, from Tractors to Banking
The focus on innovation is emerging as a key theme in the Africa Union’s long-term strategy, Agenda 2063, as Africans find better ways of...

Keeping Soil Healthy to Fight Climate Change
Scientists battling to slow climate change and cope with its effects are harnessing an overlooked, yet potentially powerful partner --...

Empowering Women Key in Combating Climate Change
Empowering women is the best way to combat global warming, an expert has said. “Not only do women better understand the harmful effects...

Climate Change Is Taking A Toll On Farmers’ Mental Health
The success or failure of a farming operation depends hugely on the vagaries of weather and climate. For a farmer, a single intense rain...