Warmer Oceans Speed Up Antarctic Ice Loss
European researchers have once again warned that the thinning of the Antarctic ice shelf means that the flow of glaciers on the frozen...

In Greenland, a Climate Change Mystery With Clues Written in Water and Stone
The breakfast on the edge of Greenland’s massive ice sheet is ordinary — granola, yogurt, bread and jam. Everything else here is anything...

History is Melting: How Climate Change Is Destroying Arctic Archeological Sites
A headless body, stretched out along the beach, appears through the smudged window of our ATV as we sail across the sand. There’s a windy...

Evolutionary Clock Ticks for Snowshoe Hares Facing Climate Change
Snowshoe hares that camouflage themselves by changing their coats from brown in summer to white in winter face serious threats from...

Scientists Find an Unexpected Factor that Could be Driving Greenland’s Ice Loss: Cloud Cover
There’s been another breakthrough in the study of the Greenland ice sheet, whose increasing melt rate and growing contribution to global...

Giant Icebergs Are Slowing Climate Change, Research Reveals
Giant melting icebergs may be a symbol of climate change but new research has revealed that the plumes of nutrient-rich waters they leave...

The Solution for the Melting Polar Ice Caps May Be Hiding in the Rainforest
There was already dramatic evidence that our planet is undeniably warming before 30 December 2015, when the world heard that the ice at...

Greenland Ice Melt Speeds Up Sea Level Rise
Water may be flowing from the Greenland ice cap and into the sea more quickly than anybody expected. It doesn’t mean that global warming...

Video: 144-Year-Old Arctic Shipwreck Discovered; Climate Change to Thank?
Archaeologists have discovered parts of two 19th-century whaling ships in the Arctic, thanks to sonar technology, intrepid divers and ......