DRP-ACPC Workshops - Our Environment, Our Future
Developing Radio Partners, in partnership with the African Climate Policy Center is hosting three climate change workshops for community radio stations in September. The first one is 05-07 September on Sal Island, Cape Verde, followed by 14-18 September workshop in Kigali, Rwanda and a third workshop in Yaounde, Cameroon from 21-25 September 2015.
This page will include photos, videos and text from those workshops beginning 05 September.
Photos from the DRP's Climate Change workshops on Sal Island, Cape Verde and in Kigali, Rwanda. The workshop in Cape Verde brought together more than half a dozen climate scientists and community radio reporters from three islands.
The workshop in Rwanda involved radio journalists from Kenya and the Democratic Republic of Congo as well as community radio reporters from all over Rwanda. Climate scientists were joined by a coffee farmer who described how climate change has devastated his crop this year -- losing more than 80% of his income to unusual weather events.
What participants are saying about the DRP workshops:
"We had never arranged climate change topics around the farm growing season. As a result of this exercise, we were able to include many new topics and create better programs." Cypridion Habimana, Radio Huguka, Muhange, Rwanda
"This workshop in Cape Verde is particularly significant because it builds the resilence of communities (through community radio) by providing them with the best information so people can take action on climate change." Joseph Intsiful, Senior Climate Change Specialist, ACPC
"This workshop (in Rwanda) is very important because often times media people don't understand what climate change is, but they have to give information to their communities. This workshop provides them with accurate and compelling information they can share with listeners." Dr. Omar Munyaneza, Climate Specialist in Rwanda