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ACPC and DRP in Cape Verde


Climate change is likely to affect the environment, economy and society on Cape Verde in the years ahead.  As an island nation, Cape Verde faces unique challenges as described in a vulnerability assessment by the United Nations Environmental Programme.


It found, among other things, water resources are already extremely scarce with pressures increasing as the climate continues to change and the average annual temperature in Cape Verde is on the rise.


The report also noted that 80% of Cape Verde’s population live in the coastal zone – with many houses vulnerable to coastal hazards and sea-level rise.


Agriculture is the main source of livelihood in Cape Verde and could be impacted by variability in rainfall and rising temperatures. Farming accounts for the large majority of water use in Cape Verde. Water use is highly inefficient with the vast majority of farm land using rain-fed agriculture or outdated irrigation methods.


Developing Radio Partners, in partnership with the African Climate Policy Centre, has launched a 12-month project to help inform communities in Cape Verde about what they can do to adapt and mitigate the effects of climate change. DRP is working with three community-based radio station on two islands -- Sao Nicolai and Sal. 


The Partner Stations are:


Radio Comunitária Espargos












Radio Comunitária de Tarrafal de S.N.












Radio Comunitária de Ribeira Brava


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